Square Bound

This is the finalized release of the Beginner Circle Game Jam #3 of 2020. We had two weeks to create this entire project from scratch. This was each collaborator’s first-ever experience in the world of Unity aside from some tutorials, so there was a lot to learn. The main takeaway from this project would be time management. We had bi-daily meetings to see the progress we were making, but the goals we set put us behind in the latter half of the time allotted. I believe that given that this was our first experience in making a video game, the end product was very satisfactory.

I and my teammates collaborated and worked on this project using the Unity Engine, a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies that uses C++ and C#. Within two weeks, we created a 2d puzzle game that we then submitted to the Beginners Circle Jam # 3, a game jam from 2020-10-09 to 2020-10-23 hosted by angrysmile.

In this project, I gained experience with the C# language and the Unity engine. I also honed my teamwork and communication skills as these skills needed to be used effectively to get the game finished within the time frame. As this was also my first time being involved in a non-school-related time-restricted project, I earned an understanding of setting goals and having efficient meetings to make use of our restricted time.

Source: CrisJavier/Square-Bound-Dev